01.09.2006 更新:感謝 Rita 的指正!

09.13.2005 更新:又錯,Matha老師指定的是十八樣作品才對!

09.06.2005 更新:1. Matha老師指定的是十二樣作品。
                               2. 增加指導老師『花心手札DIY手工坊』網站。


Parchment Craft又叫紙蕾絲刺綉藝術,源于約西元前500年左右,以名爲"紙莎草"的植物製成的草紙,用來書寫繪畫的。之後,在土耳其的pegamum,用猪或羊的皮削薄加工,取代了這種草紙,英語被稱之爲"parchment",歐洲14世紀開始流傳盛行,於15、16世紀時期在修道院內,爲修女們製作經文邊緣裝飾的手藝。及至19世紀在法國成爲時尚流行風氣,後因戰亂而有斷層。原來以羊皮製作的紙張,因進入工業時代,進而利用描圖紙,利用與羊皮紙相近的特性,以勾邊筆繪圖、造型 穿孔筆、壓凸筆等專用工具達到浮凸簍空效果,製作出如刺繡蕾絲般浪漫細緻作品,是項獨特氣質的紙雕手藝。

這項手藝首先被一位哥倫比亞女士 – Martha Ospina引進荷蘭,並創立 Pergamao 品牌公司。當時 Pergamao 已成為 Parchment Craft 的代稱,目前我手上的工具皆來自 Pergamao牧莎記事DIY手藝網站有進口Pergamao Parchment Craft 手藝所需的工具。若想成為專門老師的人,在上完專業課程後,Matha老師會指定十二 十八樣作品,完成後送至荷蘭審查,通過後,便具有紙蕾絲刺繡教師的資格。目前我正努力往這方向邁進。

Martha在荷蘭主修『Flower arrangement classes』,她的兩位同學注意到她的紙蕾絲手藝並且想知道是如何完成的。不久之後,這項手藝造成當時的一陣流行,並發燒至全荷蘭和歐洲。Martha寫了數本有關紙蕾絲刺繡的書,她首先在荷蘭訓練了多位老師來教許多想學紙蕾絲刺繡的人。目前呢,Pergamao Parchment Craft已延申至全世界,包括北美、澳洲和亞洲。

What is Pergamano? & Parchment Craft Basics
By Marie Browning, Marie Browning Creates,

Pergamano is a trade name for Parchment craft supplies. However the term Pergamano ("Perga," Spanish for parchment, and "Mano," Spanish for hands) is now used world wide to describe this fascinating new craft.

Even though we are just discovering this creative new art, parchment craft had its beginnings as religious art as early as the 15th century. It began in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands where the Catholic faith was strongest and wroth by Nuns as devotional pictures and communication cards.

The craft was brought to the new world and kept alive in Columbia at the Catholic schools. The modern history of the craft starts when Martha Ospina traveled from her country of Columbia to Holland where she began to teach it to ladies to learn the Dutch language. Martha has developed precision tools, books of patterns and a thug following around the world. Pergamano is now one of the fastest growing crafts in the world, and very popular in the Netherlands, Europe, Japan, Australia, South Africa and Canada. The craft is now just being introduced in the US market with explosive results.

The heavy parchment paper is a translucent grey color, but when you pressure emboss it (pressing on it with a small round-ended tool) on a soft surface, it becomes a satiny, opaque white. In addition to pressure embossing, there are various painting and perforating techniques that can be applied to make a very elegant looking piece of art work. The perforating makes the parchment lace-like, using perforating tools such as the flower tool, the four hole piercer and the diamond tool and grid.. With these techniques, you can make cards, bookmarks, boxes, lamp shades and even three dimensional flowers.

The most important element is that you have fun with Pergamano. Experiment and try different ideas. I think you’ll find yourself amazed at the results, I know I do!

Parchment Craft Basis

There are three basic steps in doing parchment craft. The first one is the tracing and coloring of your design. Traditionally the tracing was done with white ink, but now many colored inks are available for tracing. To color your card you can paint with pintura paints or pinta perla paints. You can also add color with dorso crayons which you use on the back of the parchment paper. ("Dorso" is back in Spanish). One more way to add color is using the perga liners (water-color pencils).

The second step in parchment art is the pressure embossing. For this you need a stylus and a padded surface. After all the tracing and coloring are done, you turn over the parchment and emboss from the back side. Many sizes of embossers are available from the fine embosser, for thin, sharp ones to the hockey stick, for embossing large areas. You can also emboss with some of the perforating tools for deferent effects. Another embossing method is "stippling," which used the single hole perforator and the embossing wheel.

The third step is perforating. You punch holes, and then make cuts with the parchment craft scissors to create the hallmark X-design. When you combine these X-designs with embossing you end up with a very beautiful lacy-looking design.

Another perforating effect is made with the 2 needle tool. The tool makes perforated outline around your outside edge of the piece, which you simply tear away to create a lacy edge.

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