
Sony Music針對『古老的大鐘』這首歌寫了一篇音樂專輯,裡面提到一段有關古老大鐘的秘密:



有著哀傷的歌詞及憂鬱曲調的這首童謠,是於距今120年的1876年於美國製作完成。作者Henry Clay Work是十九世紀美國相當有名的作曲家。日本也於昭和三十七年時於NHK「大家的歌」節目中介紹過,另外也是音樂教科書中一定會有的一首童謠。

事實上,這首「古老的大鐘」是作者的真人真事。在美國麻薩諸塞州Henry作者的家中,這個時鐘還好好地被保存著。令人悲憐的老爺爺及時鐘的故事,可是真的呢! 』


『在英國Piercebridge這個地方住著一對兄弟,那時他們開了一家George Hotel並買了一個大鐘,這座大鐘總是很準時的報時,直到有一天老大去逝了,這座鐘便開始不準時了,曾有請人來修理這座鐘,但總是修不好。後來,高齡90歲的弟弟也逝世了,這座鐘也跟著停擺了,而且再也修不好了,於是後人便將那座鐘放在旅館裡讓它安安靜靜的待在那兒,訴說著這家旅館主人與大鐘的歷史。

在1870年代,一位Henry Clay Work的美國人到訪了這家旅館,聽說了這則故事,於是便寫出來這一首歌來,並取名為「Grandfather's Clock 」當成自己的故事,並傳唱至今。』

上面這段話是從另一個英文網站--My Grandfather's Clock 翻譯而來的,所以,我想則故事應該才是「正港」原汁原味的,另外在這個英文網站的背景音樂便是英文版的,很有美國西部牛仔味道的歌曲,和平井堅翻唱的R&B又不一樣了。

試聽:平井堅 -- 古老的大鐘

作詞:Henry Clay Work/保富康午 
作曲:Henry Clay Work 

Oo ki na noppo no furudokei
Ojiisan no tokei
百年 いつも動いていた(百年來一直沒停過)
Hyakunen itsumo ugoite ita 
gojiman no tokei sa
おじいさんの 生まれた朝に(這是爺爺誕生的那天早晨)
Ojiisan no umareta asa ni
Katte kita tokei sa
いまは もう動かない その時計(而現在 那時鍾已經不會動了)
Ima wa mou ugokanai sono tokei

百年 休まずに(百年來從來未停歇)
Hyakunen yasumazu ni
チク タク チク タク(滴答 滴答 滴答 滴答)
Chiku taku chiku taku
おじいさんと いっしょに(一路陪伴著爺爺)
Ojiisan to issho ni
チク タク チク タク(滴答 滴答 滴答 滴答)
Chiku taku chiku taku
いまは もう動かない その時計(而現在 那時鐘已經不會動了)
Ima wa mou ugokanai sono tokei

何でも知ってる 古時計(無所不之的舊時鐘)
Nandemo shitteru furudokei
Ojiisan no tokei
Kirei na hanayome yatte kita
Sono hi mo ugoiteta
うれしいことも 悲しいことも(喜歡的事 悲傷的事)
Ureshii koto mo kanashii koto mo
みな知ってる 時計さ(什麼都知道的時鐘)
Mina shitteru tokei sa
いまは もう動かない その時計(而現在 那時鐘已經不會動了)
Ima wa mou ugokanai sono tokei

うれしいことも 悲しいことも(喜歡的事 悲傷的事)
Ureshii koto mo kanashii koto mo
みな知ってる 時計さ(什麼都知道的時鐘)
Mina shitteru tokei sa
いまは もう動かない その時計(而現在 那時中已經不會動了)
Ima wa mou ugokanai sono tokei

真夜中に ベルがなった(夜深人靜時鍾聲響起)
Mayonaka ni beru ga natta
おじいさんの 時計(是爺爺的時鐘)
Ojiisan no tokei
Owakare no toki ga kita no o
Mina ni oshieta nosa
天国へのぼる おじいさん(在天堂裡的爺爺)
Tengoku eno boru ojiisan
時計とも お別れ(已和時鐘到別離)
Tokei tomo owakare
いまは もう動かない その時計(而現在 那時鍾已經不會動了)
Ima wa mou ugokanai sono tokei

百年 休まずに(百年來從未停歇)
Hyakunen yasumazu ni
チク タク チク タク(滴答 滴答 滴答 滴答)
Chiku taku chiku taku
おじいさんと いっしょに(一路陪伴著爺爺)
Ojiisan to issho ni
チク タク チク タク(滴答 滴答 滴答 滴答)
Chiku taku chiku taku
いまは もう動かない その時計(而現在 那時鐘已經不會動了)
Ima wa mou ugokanai sono tokei
いまは もう動かない その時計(而現在 那時鐘已經不會動了... )
Ima wa mou ugokanai sono tokei

Grandfather's Clock

My grandfather's clock was too large for the shelf,
So it stood ninety years on the floor.
It was taller by half than the old man himself,
Though it weighed not a pennyweight more.

It was bought on the morn of the day that he was born,
And was always his treasure and pride.
But it stopped, short, never to go again
When the old man died.

Ninety years without slumbering, tick, tock, tick, tock,
His life seconds numbering, tick, tock, tick, tock,
But it stopped, short, never to go again
When the old man died.

In watching its pendulum swing to and fro,
Many hours had he spent while a boy.
And in childhood and manhood the clock seemed to know
And to share both his grief and his joy

For it struck twenty-four when he entered at the door
With a blooming and beautiful bride.
But it stopped,short,never to go again
When the old man died.

For it struck twenty-four when he entered at the door
With a blooming and beautiful bride.
But it stopped,short,never to go again
When the old man died.

In rang in alarm in the dead of the night,
An alarm that for years had been dumb.
And we knew that his spirit was pluming for flight,
That his hour of departure has come.
Still the clock kept the time, with a soft and muffled chime,
As we sliently stood by his side.
But it stopped, short, never to go again
When the old man died.

Ninety years without slumbering, tick, tock, tick, tock,
His life seconds numbering, tick, tock, tick, tock,
But it stopped, short, never to go again
When the old man died.

it stopped, short, never to go again
When the old man died.

Sony Music 特輯
My Grandfather's Clock


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